Suggested Books & Websites


1 - Holy Bible: New King James Version.


2 - Good News Bible - Catholic.


3 - Nicene and Post - Nicene Fathers Series:

1st series: St. John Chrysostone vol. 10,11 & 14.

2nd series : St. Athanasius vol. 4.

St. Cyril of Jerusalem vol. 7.

St. Gregory of Naziansum vol. 7.

Pub.: T & T. Clark, Edinburgh, 1991.


4 - The Faith of The Early Fathers, vol. 1, 2 & 3.

Pub. The Liturgical Press. Minne sota, U.S.A., 1979.


5 - The Bible and The Holy Fathers, for Orthodox,

Pub. Monastery Books, Menlo Park - C.A. 940 25-2579 - U.S.A.


6 - St. Athansius, On the Incarnation, Introduction by C.S. Lewis,

Pub. Mowbray, London. (main ref.), 1982.


7 - Isaac of Nineve, Mystic Treatises, translation by A.J. Wensinck, 1923.


8 - Henry Chadwick, Augustine, Pub. Oxford Univ. Press, 1986.


9 - H. Chadwick, The Early Church, Pub. Penguin Book. U.K., 1967.


10 - Timothy Ware (Bishop Kallistos Ware), The Orthodox Church,

Pub. Penguin Book. U.K., 1993.


11 - P. Davies & J. Gribbin, The Matter Myth, Pub. Penguin Book, 1991.


12 - Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time, Pub. Bantam - N.Y.


13 - Montenat, Plateaux and Roux, How to Read the World: Creation

in Evolution, Pub. SCM Press Ltd., London, 1985.


14 - J. N. Bezancon, How to Understand the Creed, Pub. SCM Press

Ltd., London, 1987.


15 - E. Charpentier, How to Read the Old Testament,

Pub. SCM Press Ltd., London, 1981.


16 - Forster and Marston, Reason & Faith,

Pub. Monarch Publications. U.K., 1989


17 - The World’s Religions, A Lion’s Handbook. U.K., 1988


18 - Schwartz, The Search for God, Pub. SPCK - U.K., 1975


19 - Popkin & Stroll., Philosophy, Pub. Heinmann - U.K., 1990


20 - Peter Brown, The Body and Society, Pub. Faber & Faber.

London, 1988


21 - H. Jonas, The Gnostic Religion, Pub. Routledge, U.K., 1992


22 - Elaine Pagels, Adam, Eve, and the Serpent, Penguin Book, U.K. 1988


23 - P. Vardy, The Puzzle of Evil, Pub. Harper Collins, U.K., 1992


24 - Teilhard De Chardin, Man’s Place in Nature, Pub. Collins,

Fontana Books, U.K., 1973


25 - T. De Chardin, The Future of Man, Pub. Collins, U.K.


26 - Pullan, The Atonement, Pub. Longmans, London - 1907


27 - Grensted, A Short History of the Doctrine of the Atonement,

Pub. Manchester Univ. Press, 1920


28 - Turner, The Patristic Doctrine of Redemption,

Pub. Mowbray, London, 1952


29 - Georges Florovsky, Creation and Redemption,

Pub. Norlan Publishing Company, Belmont, U.K.


30 - J.S. Romanides, Original Sin According to St. Paul,

St. Vladimir Seminary Quarterly, vol. iv 195556/. (S.V.S. - New York)


31 - John Karmiris, A Synopsis of the Dogmatic Theology of the

Orthodox Catholic Church, Pub. Christian Orthodox Edition, U.S.A. 1973


32 - Vernon White, Atonement and Incarnation,

Pub. Cambridge University Press. 1991


33 - C. Gunton, The Actuality of Atonement, Pub. T & T. Clark Ltd.,U.K1988


34 - Gabriel Daly, Creation and Redemption, 1989, Pub. The

Liturgical Press. Minnesota, U.S.A.


35 - Constantine N. Tsirpanlis, Introduction to Eastern Patristic

Thought and Orthodox Theology, Pub. The Liturgical Press. Minnesota. U.S.A. 1991.


36 - Bishop Kallistos Ware, Patterns of Atonement,

Oxford. (A recorded Sermon).


37 - C. Yannaras, Elements of Faith, Pub. T & T. Clark, 1991


38 - C. Yannaras, The Freedom of Morality,

Pub. St. Vladimir Seminary - New York, 1984


39 - John Meyendorff, Christ in the Eastern Christian Thought,

S.V.S.- N.Y., 1975


40 - Vladimir Lossky, The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church,

S.V.S. - N.Y., & T & T. Cark, U.S.A. 1991


41 - V. Lossky, Orthodox Theology - An Introduction, S.V.S. - N.Y.,1989


42 - V. Lossky, The Vision of God, S.V.S - N.Y., 1984


43 - Mantzarides, The Deication of Man, (St. Gregory Palamas and

the Orthodox Tradition.) S.V.S. - N.Y., 1984


44 - Thumberg, Man and the Cosmos, (The Vision of St. Maximus

the Confessor) S.V.S. - N.Y., 1985


45 - Philip Sherard, Human Image: World Image,

Pub. Golgonooza Press, U.K., 1992


46 - Raymond Moody, Life after Life, U.S.A., 1975


47 - S. Rathus, Psychology, Pub. Robert Woodbury - U.K., 1987


48 - Dimitri Staniloae, Theology and the Church, S.V.S. Grestwood, New York


49 - Olivier Clément, The Roots of Christian Mysticism

Pub. New City - London, 1993


50 - Schmemann, For the life of the world, Pub. S.V.S. - N.Y.,1988


51 - The Philokalia, Compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain

and St. Makarios of Corinth, 1984, Pub. Faber & Faber, London. Vol. 1.