17 Arabic videos (10 mins each)
12 English videos (10 mins each)
42 Arabic videos (10 mins each)
24 English videos (10 mins each)
15 Arabic videos (10 mins each)
12 English videos (10 mins each)
God is never the cause of Human suffering. Man willingly departs from God and suffers. Christ was not punished in our stead, but conquered death on our behalf on the cross. A debate between East and West.
Pleasures and Goals of Human Needs for: food, sex, possession, self-esteem, joyous celebration; are they of God or of the Devil? And much more...
Science, Darwin and Evolution were never in conflict with The Bible. Atheists and non-scientific believers create the current conflict.
A lecture recorded in 1985 of the late Bishop Anba Beeman of Mallawy (Egypt) speaking about knowing God through the creation.
A lecture recorded in 1985 of the late Bishop Anba Beeman of Mallawy (Egypt) about the possibility of evolution being consistent with the Bible.
A lecture given by Hany Mina Mikhail in June 2019 speaking about what God wants from all Christians in general, with special reference to the medical profession - 'who will enter the kingdom of heaven', 'biblical definitions of mercy and justice'.